Maya 2011 — what's new?
First of all, let me mention that this release of Maya was ambiguous — from one side, it's such kind of release which affects every user: if previous versions receives new tools and other — updated ( nParticles in Maya 2009, for example ), then some highly specialized users may not notice this changes at all ( because they just never use it ). This time it's different — interface itself was rewritten, so you should feel changes right after launch of Maya 2011. From other side, there was three Hotfix-releases already and now — Service Pack, which means that quantity of bugs in code are relatively high. High chance that even with SP1 not all of them are eliminated ( or almost all, because bugs will be here forever, Maya it's just too complex system ).
Of course, changes and new features not limited to rewritten interface, there are a lot more of them. Read full list of changes on Autodesk's web-site — What's new in Maya 2011?
I will point just some of them:
Sergey "Treidge" Danchenko is a founder and the author of 3DG.Me blog, 3D Artist and game developer, Drupal web-developer and one-man-band with experience in some other areas. Personal credo — "If you want a thing done well, do it yourself". In times of great inspiration writes poetry and plays volleyball. Primary professional tools — Autodesk Maya & Mudbox, Adobe Photoshop. Wild about turkeys and parrots, loves music and videogames. Thanks for reading and come again!