Game Engines

Articles about game engines and related topics.

Source Game Engine SDK Will Be Available For Free

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Source Game Engine LogoFollowing the news about Valve's Team Fortress II becomes F2P, there is one more — Source Engine SDK and modding tools also will be provided for free.

GarageGames - Resurrection: All Torque Game Engines for 99$

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Torque Game EngineGarageGames CEO Eric Preisz, a Torque game engine developer company, in his corporate blog tells that after recently almost happened collapse GarageGames is reanimated and again ready to fight for game developers minds and hearts ( and wallets, of course ). New company owners lend a shoulder for Torque in this hard times and now they seriously set about taking it to new horizonts. With new market strategy Torque ( Torque 2D, Torque 3D, iTorque 2D ) is returned to it's indie roots and will make accent on providing accessible and yet feature-rich game engines for affordable price to beginner or indie developers, students or hobbyist.
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