Dear readers of 3DG.Me blog! Most of you probably already aware of Google's new social network — Internet giant didn't go far for its name and this network was named pretty simple — Google+, or Google Plus. At this moment Google+ still is in closed beta-testing stage, while it already become pretty popular and trendy place. Registration in this social network was open for a limited time and now it's closed for general public, you can only get in there by being invited by a member of Google+. I was lucky enough to get an invite to Google Plus from my friend, so I am a member of this social network already. Thus all of my readers at 3DG.Me can get a invitation to Google+ as well!
So, how to get invited to Google+? It's pretty simple: all you have to do is register your new user account at 3DG.Me and leave a message in this forum topic. Invitation will be sent to your email provided during registration as soon as I will see it. After registering in Google+ if you wanted to you can add my profile to your circles to stay informed about what's happening around 3DG.Me blog .
Sergey "Treidge" Danchenko is a founder and the author of 3DG.Me blog, 3D Artist and game developer, Drupal web-developer and one-man-band with experience in some other areas. Personal credo — "If you want a thing done well, do it yourself". In times of great inspiration writes poetry and plays volleyball. Primary professional tools — Autodesk Maya & Mudbox, Adobe Photoshop. Wild about turkeys and parrots, loves music and videogames. Thanks for reading and come again!