Great news, everyone!
Apple corporation makes present to all
Flash developers and
lifts restrictions on app development tools for
iOS. As you may remember, in April 2010 was released Adobe's
Creative Suite 5, in which
Flash CS5 has a highly expected and advertised feature of compiling Flash projects to native iOS app format. This feature should become a main point in CS5 release of Flash, and developers from all around the world have stood in an anticipation...
But, suddenly ( or not?.. ) Apple three days before CS5 release changed license agreement with developers,
banning third-party development tools. Thus usage of
Flash-to-iOS compiler automatically become forbidden.
After this
Adobe officially has taken offence on
Apple and stopped development of
Flash-to-iOS project. No surprise here, Adobe put a lot of effort, resources and time in this project, and then Steve Jobs has brought to nothing all this work in a strange manner, banning it days from release. Is this was the spontaneous decision? I don't think so. Then why not to tell it from the very beginning?.. Is worth to say that not only Adobe staff was very frustrated of this ban, but developers, that put high expectations in this project, even more?
Next Adobe makes a lawsuit against Apple, followed with two antitrust investigations ( in USA and EU ), so it's possible to think that those circumstances played not last role in scandalous ban lifting.
Result of this "battle of titans" right in front of you:
Apple makes gesture of good will, and we welcome this.
Flash games finally comes to iOS!
We must assume that now we will see in
AppStore many of new game apps for
iPhone and
iPad, ported from Flash platform, qualitative and not. Examples of approved apps, converted from Flash, already exists — accordingly to Adobe staff member, some of them sells in AppStore right now.
By the way, Adobe also welcomes this decision of Apple and says that previously stopped
development of Flash-to-iOS tools will be continued.
P.S. It's worth to mention two points:- Prohibition lifting relates not only to Flash-to-iOS compiler, but to all other development tools also. Flash CS5 in this post is just an example, in which i have personal interest.
- New license agreement provides usage possibility of apps in iOS, developed with third-party tools, and those apps must be obtained only from AppStore. License still prohibits obtaining Flash content from Web. Thus you can't run games, hosted on some Flash games portal, for example.