Let me guess: if you are somehow related to Flash platform, then almost for sure sometimes you find great game and think — what's there, inside of SWF file? How to decompile Flash and gain access to resources ( images, sounds, sprites ) and source codes, look at how it was made and constructed from within?
Possibility to hook into what's supposed to stay hidden — it's a precious gift to any Flash programmer and developer in general. Hard to imagine those possibilities that are opened to us, of we can touch by own hands a "core" of great Flash game, for example. But — first things first. Now, how to actually decompile Flash?..
In real that's not hard at all — it's enough to use one of SWF decompilers out there in software market. Because of main purpose of this post is not to teach, how to actually "crack" Flash, but to provide information about overall possibility of doing that, more advanced readers will find this post very basic. Rest of us, who is still interested — let's read next and let me introduce you our main hero.
Sothink SWF Decompiler
Behold! —
Sothink SWF Decompiler,
SWF to FLA decompiler, nightmare of common Flash developer and sweet dream of curious developer in one person, or better say — in one install file.
This program allow easily perform that is in title of this post — disassemble Flash to source files.
Main features of
Sothink SWF Decompiler are:
Convert SWF to FLA
Convert SWF to FLEX
Extract SWF-elements
Extract SWF from EXE
Supoorts Flash CS3/CS4/CS5
Supports ActionScript 2.0/3.0
Search in source code ActionScript
Preview and export of resources ( images, sounds, sprites, etc.)
How can i use Flash decompiler?
Main and most principal advantage, that you can achieve by decompiling other people games, for example — it's a really huge educational resource that is hidden in studying of source codes. Artists can research how animated sprites of main hero or special effects was made, coders can look at how puzzles are organized in ActionScript source code — in overall, usage possibility is too many to consider, main question is how you uses this decompiler. Someone might said that decompiling other people work it's not good, but i will say — as far as you doesn't rip stuff from there and actually LEARN from them — it's nothing to worry about.