After relatively long beta-testing a very promising game engine Unity 3 is finally released to general public. In this new version engine was significantly improved, receiving many enhancements and new features, thus become even better and promising. With no doubt, Unity now is one of the best game engines for wide variety of game developers, genres and platforms.
Read complete list of changes and new features in "What's new in Unity 3" section of their official site, and i will focus only on what I personally find most important and "tasty". Some of them was already presented in previous versions of Unity, but I will mention them again in one row with really new features of Unity 3.
Allows developing of your projects for all platforms in one editor. Target platform is selected at the stage of project compilation.
Unity 3 has integrated Autodesk Beast Lightmapper, which is considered as "best lightmapper in the world". Beast can generate lightmaps within Unity Editor, create UV-maps and bake them out.
In overall, as i wrote before, I like Unity. In addition free version of this game engine is available to developers, making Unity perfect choice for new developers or indie dev's. Pro version license with no limitations in functionality cost 1500 $ — not much for what you get, i think. Very reasonable price for such a game engine.
Demo "Dark Unity":
Demo "Boot Camp":
Links by topic:
Unity official site
Unity game list
Developers blog
Also you can download Unity 3 trial version, which also is free version ( license type is determined during activation ).
In conclusion
In my opinion, Unity seriously "jumped" in last 1,5 years, and key moment in this success was release of Unity 2.5, which is brought support for Windows ( yes, Unity editor previously was Mac-only ). Since Unity becomes with every step more and more powerful, which can not fail to please me.
Sergey "Treidge" Danchenko is a founder and the author of 3DG.Me blog, 3D Artist and game developer, Drupal web-developer and one-man-band with experience in some other areas. Personal credo — "If you want a thing done well, do it yourself". In times of great inspiration writes poetry and plays volleyball. Primary professional tools — Autodesk Maya & Mudbox, Adobe Photoshop. Wild about turkeys and parrots, loves music and videogames. Thanks for reading and come again!