Sometimes it's necessary or maybe just handy to have multiple email addresses that belongs to one actual account — for example, when you have to register two user profiles on some website but do not want to create additional mail service account for just that ( most websites require unique email for each user and didn't allow to register more that one profile for same address ). Of course it's possible to have two or more email accounts and set mail forwarding to main account for each of them, but why use somewhat difficult way if Gmail provides ability to have multiple addresses for one account?..
I personally have come to such need when decided to keep my twitters ( like this blog ) in two languages — English and Russian. Because I didn't wanted to mess around with absolutely unnecessary for me additional email account I've searched for way to use same account, but with different addresses. And fortunately Google Mail can easily do such a thing!
Sergey "Treidge" Danchenko is a founder and the author of 3DG.Me blog, 3D Artist and game developer, Drupal web-developer and one-man-band with experience in some other areas. Personal credo — "If you want a thing done well, do it yourself". In times of great inspiration writes poetry and plays volleyball. Primary professional tools — Autodesk Maya & Mudbox, Adobe Photoshop. Wild about turkeys and parrots, loves music and videogames. Thanks for reading and come again!