[3dFoin] 3D models and animations for sale (unified thread)

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3dFoin's picture
Member since March 21, 2012

This is a unified thread about all of our 3D models and animations available for sale at 3dfoin.com

Hi guys, we have new model again :D It's Elongata!

So you think the other mobs are so mainstream? How about a cannibal plant that suddenly appears from the ground and bites the player, or attacks when he get close by spitting poison? Elongata is suitable for any sci-fi or fantasy game and definitely diversifies your gameplay!





We're having Golden Week Sale, you can buy any model for only $9 don't miss out! :D


Average: 5.9 (280 votes)
3dFoin's picture
Member since March 21, 2012


3dFoin's picture
Member since March 21, 2012

Hi guys, we have new character again :p It's Eric, he's awesome for 3rd shooter or action games, pack with a 9mm pistol and a lot of animations, he's ready to shoot all the bad guys! Comes fully equipped and formatted for use in Unity and other engines with high detailed diffuse, normal, specular texture maps and 61 game-ready animations!




We have a nice discount for his first week, you can buy him right now for only $14 instead of $29!
C'mon don't miss it:


3dFoin's picture
Member since March 21, 2012

Hi guys :D, we have new model again: the Royal Knight:




Protect the weak, defenseless, helpless, and fight for the general welfare of all, here come the hero for your game: the Royal Knight. He's cool, handsome, masculine, glamorous and so on and so forth and he's ready to kick all the ass in the world. Comes fully equipped and formatted with diffuse, normal, specular texture maps and 45 game-ready animations!

We're having 1 Year Anniversary Sales, so you can buy Royal Knight today for only 15.2 (60% off) :D
Hurry don't miss it:


3dFoin's picture
Member since March 21, 2012

Hi everyone :D We have new model again, it's Dragon Bug:

There are so many angry dragon bugs live in dense woods. They are desperate to kill the visitor of their place. Let's catch some of them and put into your game! :D



The models are fully tested with common engines like 3dGameStudio, Unity, RealmCrafter, Esenthel etc.

We're having Golden Week Sales so you can buy the model for $9 only, c'mon get it at:


3dFoin's picture
Member since March 21, 2012



3dFoin's picture
Member since March 21, 2012

Hi guys, :D we have new model again, it's Gargoyle:





Gargoyle model is suitable to use as a boss or strong enemy with flying and physical/magical attacking animations.



Gargoyle comes with fully tested unity .package, 3dgamestudio, esenthel, .x and other common game format as usual :D



3dFoin's picture
Member since March 21, 2012

Yayyyy, we have a new creature, the Watcher:





The Watcher can be used as a cowardly weak creature or magical monster. Because of its high movement speed and the ability to fly, it'll be really difficult to hit. Beside physical attacks the Watcher can use its eye to hypnotize the player or cast dark magic spells and curses.

As usual the model is fully tested in Unity and comes with unity.package. and other common engines like 3DGameStudio, Realm Crafter, Esenthel, Blender etc. Yayyyy :D





3dFoin's picture
Member since March 21, 2012


Hi guys :D we have new model, it's Triceratops:



"If that stupid player comes after me, I would lower my head and charge to show him what’s up. That’s right. I rule," said the Triceratops - one of the most famous of all the dinosaurs. One that has captured the world's imagination by appearing in museums, famous films and video games XD~. Trieratops will definitely make you fantasy - scifi game look way cooler! 



We're having [b]Awesome Sale 50% off all model so what are you waiting for?[/b]





3dFoin's picture
Member since March 21, 2012

We are delighted to announce the launch of our “March Madness” The sale will run from today; through to midnight on Sunday March 31st.

- Get 50% off any model purchase!!!

- Buy more than 3 models you’ll get the upcoming Royal Sorceress character model for free!!!

So what are you waiting for? XD


3dFoin's picture
Member since March 21, 2012

Hi guys, we have new model again, it's the Royal Sorceress



Okay, she's beautiful, but don't let her innocent look fool you. The Royal Sorceress is a powerful offensive caster, knowledgeable in the arcane arts that cause pain and suffering. She is also proficient in manipulating the winds of magic to create powerful destructive spells... She is vulnerable to both melee and missile assaults though.
Comes fully equipped and formatted for use in Unity and other engines with diffuse, normal, specular texture maps and 25 game-ready animations.

As usual the model is fully tested with common game engines like Unity, Esenthel, RealmCrafter, 3D GameStudio etc. :D

Also to welcome the Sorceress to our product family we're running the [B]April Sale[/B], [B]50% off [/B]any model purchased, [B]so what are you waiting for? [/B]


3dFoin's picture
Member since March 21, 2012

Hi guys :D

Wow we've been here for 2 years XD Time DOES fly when you're having fun. We couldn't have done it without you.
We're celebrating the day with the 2nd Year Anniversary Sales.

- From 6/3 to 6/10/2013:

Get 50% off any model purchase!!!

We also have new model it's Genie :D

Magic lamp is definitely an interesting thing to drop into your game, the player picks it up, wonders if it's just an decorative object and part of him hopes for a genie and BAM! You satisfy him!
Genies can grant wishes to those who bind them, best them, or earn from them a favor. However, it is widely held that one must be very wary of the wording used in such a wish. When dealing with genies, the saying "be careful what you wished for" takes on a life and death meaning. They surely enrich your story!

Comes fully equipped and formatted for use as a boss, summon, magical NPC etc. in Unity and other engines with diffuse, normal, specular texture maps and 11 game-ready animations. You can add some particle effects on his tail to make him look even cooler XD



As usual the model is fully tested with Unity and comes with unitypackage

Also there's a free magic lamp model on Page 7:

C'mon come and get them all at:


3dFoin's picture
Member since March 21, 2012

Hi guys :D

We've just upgraded our store, now you can buy multiple items at the same time using the cart, and there's a new 2D section also. :D

We have new model as well, it's The Girl:

She's great for zombie games or shooting games you have to put her into your game, why? Cos everyone loves hot chicks XD

As usual The Girl is fully tested in Unity and other common engines like Esenthel, 3dgameStudio, RealmCrafter, iClone etc.



We're having SUMMER SALE - 50% off all models, so what are you waiting for? :D Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy


Treidge's picture
Member since November 22, 1988

Great stuff, creature ones are my favorite. inlove

Anonymous's picture

Thank you Treidge :D we have more to come :D

3dFoin's picture
Member since March 21, 2012

Hi guys, we have new model again :D it's Mushroom Monster:

Mushroom Monsters is perfect for some starting mobs at the beginning of your game, when players are busy learning the gameplay. Not able to move, he's easier to kill, but don't underestimate him, Monster Mushroom can strike back with his teeth, curses and deadly poison.



As usual, the model is fully tested in Unity, 3DGameStudio, Esenthel and other common engines

And we're having AWESOME SALE - 50% OFF ALL ITEMS so what are you waiting for XD


3dFoin's picture
Member since March 21, 2012

Hi guys,

Thanks for your continued support we love you so much :D
We have new model again, it's a female archer as promised :D

With a bow in hand and a quiver on her back, the Royal Archer strikes at the enemy from afar. The elven blood flows through her veins not only makes her beautiful, but also creates a special bond with nature so she's able to deal with natural forces directly to heal, or to hurt people.



Also to welcome the Royal Archer to our product family we're kicking off the November Sale, 50% off any model purchased, so what are you waiting for? XD


3dFoin's picture
Member since March 21, 2012

Merry Christmas everyone :D, we have new model again, it's the Soul Eater:

Soul Eaters are the offspring of Devils originating from the darkest of planes and realms. In the underworld, they hunt and eat wandering souls. Masters of the mind magic and having sharp claws, their attacks effect both player's HP and MP.


We're running Christmas Sale - 50% off all item til Dec 31 So what are you waiting for? XD


3dFoin's picture
Member since March 21, 2012

Hi guys, :D

We have had so many requests for a 2 legged dragon that it has just been released for your developing pleasure. Here come the Wyvern:

A distant cousin to the true dragons, Wyvern is a legendary winged creature with a dragon's head, which may be said to breathe fire or possess a venomous bite, a reptilian body, two legs, and a barbed tail.

As usual the model is fully tested in Unity and other common engines like 3dGameStudio, Esenthel etc.and comes with unitypackage and lot of other game formats:D



Also we're having February Sale - 50% off all items so what are you waiting for XD


3dFoin's picture
Member since March 21, 2012

Hi guys, we have new model again, it's the Dragon Turtle, would be great for your beach, riverside or lakeside maps:



Also we're running the Summer Sales - 50% off all items Yayyyyy XD so what are you waiting for? :D


3dFoin's picture
Member since March 21, 2012

Hi guys, we have new model again, it's the Royal Executioner:

Royal Executioner is the person who carries out death sentences ordered by the King. His axe is said to be able to take the heads off criminals before they realize they're dead.

27 Animations:

We're kicking off the August Sale today also: 50% off all items so what are you waiting for xD


3dFoin's picture
Member since March 21, 2012

3dFoin's picture
Member since March 21, 2012

Hi guys, we have new asset again, it's a game interface this time :D

Fantasy Game Interface is great for both MMORPG and mobile games with high detailed Zbrush sculpted interface elements like other AAA games. The pack comes with Photoshop psd file so you can customize it and png files so you can use it right away. :D

You can buy it at:


3dFoin's picture
Member since March 21, 2012

Hi guys, we have new models again, it's the Action Hero:



3dFoin's picture
Member since March 21, 2012

Hi guys, we have new model again, it's the mermaid:

Mermaid not only can be used as a decorative-quest NPC, but also a mobs or playable character with 2 set of animations:


We're running November Sale - 50% off all items so what are you waiting for XD Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyy


Anonymous's picture

Hi guys, we have new model again, it's the Devil Cat:

What if a cat was as big as a tiger? He would be badass, no doubt! Devil cat shocks the player how a familiar harmless pet turn into something so truculent. It'll be suit to be used in any horror/fantasy game you're making and definitely make it more interesting!



Also we're running the Christmas Sale:

- 50% off an model purchase
- Buy 3 models --> 55% off.
- Buy 6 models --> 60% off

So whatcha waiting for? Yayyyyyyyyyyyyy :D


3dFoin's picture
Member since March 21, 2012

Hi guys we have new model a gain, it's the Fantasy Lizard:

Fantasy Lizards are awesome for fantasy games and suited to be used in many types of map like forest, jungle, desert, plain etc. They're strong mobs who can bite, claw or spit poison to paralyze and kill their prey.


As usual the model is fully tested in Unity and other common engines like 3dGameStudio, Esenthel, Blender, iClone etc. and comes with unitypackage and many game formats

Also we're running the New Year Sale:

- Get 50% off any model purchase
- Buy 3 or more models: 55% off
- Buy 6 models or more: 60% off

Yayyyy! So what are you waiting for? XD


3dFoin's picture
Member since March 21, 2012

Hi guys, :D we have new model again, it's the Female Royal Knight:

She's a powerful knight whose deafening blows send enemies running with their tail between their legs.



We're running the Awesome Sale - 50% all items so what are you waiting for XD


3dFoin's picture
Member since March 21, 2012

Hi guys, we have new model again, it's the female ninja:

We often find female Ninjas in period dramas, comics, animes, movies, and games, who are very lively and sexy. They have a excellent motor nerve and fighting ability, which are never inferior to those of male Ninjas!



Also we're celebrating the arrival of spring with our April Sale: 55% off all items so what are you waiting for XD


3dFoin's picture
Member since March 21, 2012

Hi guys, we have new model again it's the centaur:

Centaurs are a common mythological figure, with the body of a man where a horses head would be.


And we're running the Awesome Sale - 60% off all items so what are you waiting for XD


3dFoin's picture
Member since March 21, 2012

Hi guys, we have a new model again it's the Royal Wizard:

What's a royal wizard? Are you kidding? Those royal blood lines are the oldest, strongest, and purist blood lines. Royal wizards are most likely to get positions on the wizard council. Seeing as they are the strongest.


Also we're running the HALLOWEEN SALES :D 50% off all items but that's not all, we have 2 new packs which you can buy to get extra discount!!!

The Royal Heroes Pack:

Contains all 6 Royal characters, wizard, sorceress, tanker, knight, dame and archer, enough for you to make a story right? :D Bundle discount + Halloween 50% discount ~~> $6/character XD

And Halloween Horror Creatures Pack :D

With 5 impressive horrific creatures, awesome for any horror game XD Bundle discount + Halloween 50% discount ~~> $4/monster XD

So, what are you waiting for???? XD YAYYYYYYYYYYYY


Anonymous's picture

I bought the Royal pack and all but the Royal Sorceress had defects in the animation where vertices didn't bind to the skeleton or worse, as in the Royal Wizard, who looks like Mister Fantastic on an LSD trip. I've sent four e-mails to them with only the first one responded to. They asked me what programs I used to view them and I gave them a list (open source and freeware) to try them out. I never got a response to the other three although I figured out how to fix one of them myself and would have been glad to share. This is for .x, .b3d, and .dbo. The others appear okay and unfortunately I can't use them or export them from one system to another correctly.

Beware, they look good. However, they have problems and a lack of customer support makes me hesitant to buy from them again. They seem nice, just unresponsive.

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